Yang obtained his B.S. in theoretical physics from University of Science and Technology of China; his M.E. in Electron Physics from Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; and his Ph.D. in physics from Florida Atlantic University. He did postdoctoral research in computational materials science and alloy theory at the Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge Nation Laboratory. He joined the PSC in 1996. He is currently the Principal Investigator of the MuST project (https://github.com/mstsuite/MuST/wiki/MuST-Framework-Project).
Research interests
Ab initio electronic structure calculation methods, density functional theory, multiple scattering theory, high entropy alloys, electronic and spin transport calculations, dynamical mean field theory, and high performance computing.
See Yang’s Google Scholar page for a list of his publications.
General interests
Chinese history and literature, opera, and classical music.