PSC Launches AI & Big Data Group

April 6, 2018  PSC has a strong history enabling artificial intelligence (AI) research at scale. AI advancements at PSC include Never Ending Language Learning (NELL), led by CMU’s Tom Mitchell and William Cohen, on PSC’s Blacklight system and the 2017...

PSC Wins Record Five HPCwire Awards

PSC Wins a Record Five HPCwire Readers’, Editors’ Choice Awards Annual Awards Recognize Leaders in the Global high performance-Computing Community Nov. 13, 2017 PSC has been recognized with a best-year-ever five HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards at the...

Nystrom Named Interim Director, PSC

Nick Nystrom Appointed Interim Director of PSC July 27, 2017 Nick Nystrom, senior director of research at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), has been appointed interim director of the center. Nystrom succeeds Michael Levine and Ralph Roskies, who have been...