Science Highlights

Research conducted and supported by PSC computational resources, educational programs, and staff expertise

Going with the Flow

Bridges Calculations Shed Light on Heat Transfer Between 2D Electronic Components

He Who Hesitates

Anton 2 Simulations Identify Critical Pause in Flu-Virus Protein Motion; May Be a Target for Future Therapy

Peace of Mind through AI

“Deep learning” Artificial Intelligence on PSC Supercomputers Promises Fewer False Alarms and Early Prediction of Breast Cancer Development

Capture and Convert

PSC Helps University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) Team Design Material to Capture and Turn CO2 into Useful Products

Phospholipids at the Gate

Anton 2 Helps Cornell Scientists Discover Unexpected Gate in Molecular “Credit Card Reader”

A Basic Switch

Bridges Simulations Explain Lab Results in pH-Dependent Life Process

Spring 2019: PSC News in Brief

PSC Supplies Computation to Large Hadron Collider Group PSC is supplying computation for the world’s most powerful particle collider. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) scientists working on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment, in collaboration...