Science Highlights
Research conducted and supported by PSC computational resources, educational programs, and staff expertise
Off to a Good Start
Anton 2 Simulations Kick off Drug Safety Prediction Pipeline
Every Calculation Stabs
Combination of Bridges and Anton 2 Allows Team to Span Time Scales in Simulating Dagger-Like Microbe-Killing Molecule
Experimental Introduction
Introducing Experimental Data into Molecular Simulations on Bridges Improves Predictions of Metallic Glass Structure
Settling In
Bridges Refines Protein Simulations, Approaching Lab Accuracy
Non Identical Twins
Nonidentical Twins Anton 2 Simulations Show Curious Difference in Action of Paired Neurotransmitters The NMDA receptor protein underlies memory formation. It’s also an important target of drugs for conditions as different as depression, Alzheimer’s disease and...
Picking up the Beat
Picking Up the Beat Anton 2 Helps Identify Unexpected Pathway for Irregular-Heartbeat Drugs Irregular heartbeat—arrhythmia—causes a lot of sickness and death in the U.S. Some medications can treat arrhythmia, but they carry potentially serious side effects....
Microscopic and Huge
Microscopic—and Huge Bridges Powers Visualization of Whole Viruses at Atomic Level An image can help human beings make connections. That’s why a scientist from Catholic University of America is using the large-memory nodes of PSC’s Bridges platform to put together...
Freedom They Printed
Woodblock of an early printing press of the type used to create the Aeropagitica. By Jost Amman -Meggs, Philip B. A History of Graphic Design. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998. (p 64), Public Domain, Freedom,...
Galactic Choice
A Galactic Choice Artificial Intelligence Running on Bridges Surpasses Humans at Classifying Galaxies New telescope surveys are discovering hundreds of millions of new galaxies—far more than humans can classify. A National Center for Supercomputing Applications...
Big Waves Happen
Tsunami. Photo by George Despiris from Pexels. Big Waves Happen Here, Too Bridges Simulations Chart Out Worst-Case Tsunami Scenarios for U.S. East Coast Recent tsunamis have killed hundreds of thousands and done vast economic damage. But even areas not known for big...