Science Highlights

Research conducted and supported by PSC computational resources, educational programs, and staff expertise

Spring 2015: Lifeboat Africa

Lifeboat Africa Blacklight Helps Archeologists Study the Origins of Modern Human Behavior Picture an endangered species. Climate change has forced it into a small refuge. The population has crashed to thousands or fewer. Survival is by no...

Thinking Big Data

$7.6-Million NSF Grant to fund the Data Exacell, PSC’s Next-Generation System for Storing, Analyzing Big Data     The term “Big Data” has become a buzzword. Like any buzzword, its definition is fairly malleable, carrying different meanings in research,...

News in Brief: PSC and its Partners

PSC RECEIVES FOUR NATIONAL AWARDS   In November, PSC received top national honors in four categories of the 2013 HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards. HPCwire, the premier trade publication for the high performance computing (HPC) community, announced the...

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Anton shows how water leaving, re-entering potassium channel structure delays return to active state   WHY IT’S IMPORTANT The potassium channel helps create electrical signals in nerve and muscle cells. This process goes awry in some irregular heartbeat...

So You Want to be a Super Computor

PSC Takes Lead in XSEDE Summer Research Experience Program     Young career seekers in the high performance computing (HPC) field often face a familiar problem. You can’t get the job without experience. But another hitch confronts would-be “super computors”...

Roll Out the Beta Barrels

Anton Simulations Reveal How Dangerous Bacteria Install Critical Proteins   Why It’s Important   In an era of diminishing antibiotic effectiveness, it’s no wonder that bacteria, how they live—and what molecular components they can’t live without—are an...

Building a 21st Century Data Highway

PSC Advanced Networking Group Expands Networking Capabilities for Region, World   In the era of “Big Data,” the challenge of moving the vastly expanded data volumes created and needed by today’s researchers has become central. The old network—the equivalent of an...

Shoring up the Weakest Link

PSC Cybersecurity Group Uses Technology, User Savvy,to Guard Supercomputing Resources Nationwide     Luckily, the woman was smart. When a waiter brought her a phone, saying her credit card company was calling her, she smelled a rat. The caller, claiming to...

Cosmic Tug of War

Large Dark Matter Halos Favor Growth of Larger Early Galaxies Nov. 20, 2015 WHY IT’S IMPORTANT Few scientific questions are as fundamental, or fascinating, as the origin of the Universe. And we can see the early Universe. The farthest galaxies from us are so far away...

Breaking out of the Digital Document Graveyard

Blacklight Used to Extract Meaning from Cursive Script, Allowing Scanned Documents to be Searched   Step 1: Correct rotations and reduce smudges and bleeds to produce a spreadsheet-like document with identifiable cells.   Step 2: Create a statistical picture...