Science Highlights

Research conducted and supported by PSC computational resources, educational programs, and staff expertise

Fall 2015: PSC Impact on PA

PSC's Impact on Pennsylvania PSC provides a significant economic benefit to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In addition to supporting research, education and business activities throughout the Commonwealth, PSC consistently returns many times the state’s investment...

Fall 2015: Understanding Choice

Understanding CHOICE WHY IT’S IMPORTANT  Understanding how human beings make decisions is critical in fields like cybersecurity, public health, elections and governance, and economics. How often do people make rational choices, weighing all the options? How often...

Fall 2015: Life is Not Chess

LIFE is NOT Chess COUNTED AS A LOSS OR A “STATISTICAL TIE,” POKER MATCHUP POINTS TO BETTER DECISION MAKING Life is not a chess game.  The world is not a chessboard, with every piece visible. Life is more like a hand of poker, according to Tuomas Sandholm of...

Spring 2015: PSC News in Brief

DATA EXACELL MARKS FIRST YEAR WITH USER-DRIVEN ADVANCES User input and experience have helped PSC’s Data Exacell (DXC) complete a successful first year of operation. Thanks to the ongoing dialog with users, the DXC team has advanced the system’s software and gained a...

Spring 2015: All Flesh is Grass?

ALL Flesh is Grass? Blacklight Helps Researchers Untangle Genome of Wheat Progenitor Wheat, a species of grass, provides more protein for human consumption—more flesh—than any other plant. Globally, we harvest 725 million metric tons of...

Spring 2015: Putting Tools

Putting Tools in the Right Hands PSC Workshops Transform Public Health in East Africa   In a series of workshops sponsored by the Mozambique Ministry of Health, PSC’s Public Health Applications Group and their colleagues at the Johns Hopkins School...

Spring 2015: Teaching the Machine to See

Teaching the Machine to See Blacklight "Trains" Video Search System for Competition Victory A good example that we live in the era of Big Data is that, as we’ve moved from super-8-film home movies to ever-present smartphones, we’ve all begun to...

Spring 2015: Bridging the Gap

Bridging the GAP Bridges Will Bring high performance Computing and Data Analysis Capabilities to New Fields  Today, investigators in important, data-intensive fields such as cancer genomics, the digital humanities and machine learning...

Spring 2015: Janus Channel

Janus Channel Anton Simulations Reveal How Pain, Epilepsy Drugs Work through Same Target Protein If you tried to imagine two neurological conditions as different from each other as possible, epilepsy and non-headache pain would be a good choice....

Spring 2015: FutureMatch

FutureMatch: Enabling Better Organ Exchange Programs  Over 123,000 adults and children currently await organ transplants. Unfortunately, only about 30,000 donor organs become available each year. Every day, roughly 20 people die waiting...