Science Highlights

Research conducted and supported by PSC computational resources, educational programs, and staff expertise

Locked, Not Loaded

Simulations Show how HIV Drug Traps Virus in an Inactive State

Snapping into Place

Anton 2 Simulations Give Clue to Poorly Understood Role of Cellular “Bricks”

Finding the Balance

Pitt Researchers Use Bridges to Optimize Doctor Visits for Kidney Patients

Head Injury in the Cloud

Using Cloud-based “Backfill Cycles” on Bridges Enables Very High Resolution Functional Brain Imaging

Fall 2017: PSC News in Brief

PSC Interns Advance AI, Cybersecurity, System Administration Bridges-Powered Research Wins PEARC17 Award Early Successes on Anton 2 WVU awarded $1 million grant from NSF for new HPC cluster at PSCHPC cluster at PSC PSC Interns Advance AI,...

The Future is Stem

The Future is STEM High School Students Use Bridges as Intro to Supercomputing The future of employment is increasinglySTEM-related. To prepare its students for higher-paying, computationally savvy jobs in science and industry, the North Carolina School...

Inner Space

Inner Space Anton Simulations Uncover Importance of Empty Space for Protein Function Experiments can detect chemical changes on a scale as short as about a thousandth of a second. Most supercomputers can only simulate complex biomolecules for as long as a...

Blue Acres

PSC, XSEDE Support Gene Assembly of Key Aquaculture Species Commercial abalone “aquaculture”—farming the shellfish in enclosures—has exploded over the past decade, becoming a $100-million global industry. Understanding the DNA of the abalone is key to improving and...

Synergistic Voyage

Synergistic Voyage ECSS Collaboration Speeds, Expands Microrobotic Simulations Since the science fiction novel Fantastic Voyage—and before—people have been fascinated with the idea of shrinking our tools so that we could carry out miniature tasks with...