Science Highlights

Research conducted and supported by PSC computational resources, educational programs, and staff expertise

Dangerous Curves Ahead

Machine Learning Enables Scientists to Spot “Comma-Shaped Clouds,” Extreme Weather

Finding Cause

CMU Group Uses PSC’s Bridges to Nail Down Cause in Brain Region Activity

When Winds Get Rough

PSC Experts and Resources Enable Simulation of Non-steady Forces on Wind Turbines

Testing the Footing

Bridges Helps Univ. of Chicago Team Simulate Cell Movement, Upending Scientific Expectations

Function Follows Form

Bridges Simulations plus Lab Work on Frog Neuromuscular Junction Sheds Light on Human Diseases

Putting Neutrinos on Ice

Identification of Cosmic-Ray Source by IceCube Neutrino Observatory Depended on Global Collaboration, PSC’s Bridges

Loose Ends

Anton 2 Shows how APOA1 Protein Ends Link to Hold Together “the Good Cholesterol”

Spring 2018: PSC News in Brief

CMU Group Describes “Superhuman” Poker AI in Science In a paper published online in December 2017 by the journal Science, Tuomas Sandholm of the CMU School of Computer Science and Noam Brown, a PhD student working with him, detailed how their artificial intelligence...