Neocortex Code of Conduct

PSC  Search query for: Neocortex Code of Conduct Last reviewed: April 22, 2024 Background: This external code of conduct represents Neocortex’s commitment to providing an inclusive and harassment-free environment in its events, services and interactions....


PSC NAIRR FAQ The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center  is thrilled to help the national research and education community respond to the NSF call for NAIRR Pilot – NAIRR Pilot Resource Requests to Advance AI Research.  We’ve compiled this set of frequently...
PSC’s Bridges-2 Joins Neocortex Among Elite Artificial Intelligence Computers Allocated through National NAIRR Pilot Project

PSC’s Bridges-2 Joins Neocortex Among Elite Artificial Intelligence Computers Allocated through National NAIRR Pilot Project

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center’s Bridges-2 supercomputer is now available to scientists through the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot Project, joining the center’s Neocortex AI system in the second-round call for research proposals by a National...