Fall 2015: PSC Impact on PA

PSC’s Impact on Pennsylvania PSC provides a significant economic benefit to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In addition to supporting research, education and business activities throughout the Commonwealth, PSC consistently returns many times the state’s...

Fall 2015: Understanding Choice

Understanding CHOICE WHY IT’S IMPORTANT  Understanding how human beings make decisions is critical in fields like cybersecurity, public health, elections and governance, and economics. How often do people make rational choices, weighing all the options? How often...

Fall 2015: Life is Not Chess

LIFE is NOT Chess COUNTED AS A LOSS OR A “STATISTICAL TIE,” POKER MATCHUP POINTS TO BETTER DECISION MAKING Life is not a chess game.  The world is not a chessboard, with every piece visible. Life is more like a hand of poker, according to Tuomas Sandholm of...

Blacklight’s Final Bow

Blacklight’s Final Bow August 15, 2015 It’s rare for a HPC center to celebrate the decommissioning of a machine. However, Blacklight was so accomplished, we thought it deserved a special salute. Here’s what others had to say about this remarkable machine....


SLASH2   SLASH2 is an open source, wide area network friendly distributed file system featuring multi residency, system-managed data distribution, data integrity verification, and much more.  SLASH2 was created by PSC. When managing large data sets, several...


BEST Bioinformatics Education for STudents (BEST) exposes teachers to modern molecular biology concepts by incorporating computational biology and bioinformatics into their high school curriculum.  BEST also prepares teachers to introduce their students to...

CAST: Resources & References

CAST: Resources & References Modeling Tools AgentSheets Inc: www.agentsheets.com NetLogo (Northwestern University): http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo Vensim: www.vensim.com A comparison of the modeling tools from PSC All Disciplines National Computational...

Vial Size Impacts Vaccine Supply Chain

Study Suggests Vial Size Can Have Large Impact on Vaccine Supply Chain Thursday, May 7, 2015 Vaccine vial size – the total number of doses a single vaccine vial contains – can have a significant impact on vaccine distribution, costs and use, according to a new study...

PSC Helps Power Human-AI Poker Match-Up

PSC Helps Power Human-AI Poker Match-Up Friday, April 24, 2015 First, Deep Blue came for Kasparov, besting the world’s top-ranked chess player in 1997. Then Watson beat Jeopardy!’s best and brightest in 2011. Now Claudico, a program developed at Carnegie Mellon...

IASE 2015

Innovative Approaches to STEM Education Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Summer Institute July 6 – 17, 2015 The need for multidisciplinary skilled personnel is growing, with lucrative, secure careers in these areas on a steady rise. At the high school level students...