Head Injury in the Cloud

USING CLOUD-BASED “BACKFILL CYCLES” ON BRIDGES ENABLES VERY HIGH RESOLUTION FUNCTIONAL BRAIN IMAGING From children’s playing fields to professional stadiums to battle fields, doctors are more and more worried about traumatic brain injury (TBI) that lurks after a...

PSC Launches AI & Big Data Group

April 6, 2018  PSC has a strong history enabling artificial intelligence (AI) research at scale. AI advancements at PSC include Never Ending Language Learning (NELL), led by CMU’s Tom Mitchell and William Cohen, on PSC’s Blacklight system and the 2017...

PSC Launches Computational Biology Group

April 6, 2018 To unify its research efforts and strategic planning in computational biology and public health, PSC has launched a new Computational Biology Group. The senior director of the new group, Phil Blood, will oversee PSC’s Biomedical Applications and Public...