PSC’s Bridges Supercomputer Extended by NSF

National Science Foundation Awards $1.9 million for Extra Year of Operational Funding Aug. 27, 2018 PSC’s groundbreaking Bridges supercomputer will provide value to the research community for an additional year, extending operations through November 2020, thanks to...

Director Intro Spring 18

Welcome to the Spring 2018 issue of PSC Science Highlights!  PSC’s 32nd year of operations is off to an exceptional start, with multiple important initiatives in motion and some exciting new ones imminent. Those initiatives build on PSC’s leadership in converging...

Spring 2018: PSC News in Brief

CMU Group Describes “Superhuman” Poker AI in Science In a paper published online in December 2017 by the journal Science, Tuomas Sandholm of the CMU School of Computer Science and Noam Brown, a PhD student working with him, detailed how their artificial intelligence...

You Break It, You Understand It

Bridges Helps Quantum Chemists Understand Break-up of Atmospheric Chemicals The U.S. Air Force would like to detect remotely when bad guys have fired a rocket. They’d also like, in an emergency, to seed the atmosphere to damp down communication disruptions from solar...

Locked, Not Loaded

Simulations Show how HIV Drug Traps Virus in an Inactive State Though AIDS survival is up and new cases are down, the HIV virus is still a major cause of sickness and death. Juan Perilla of the University of Delaware and his colleagues used the Anton 2 system at the...

Snapping into Place

Anton 2 Simulations Give Clue to Poorly Understood Role of Cellular “Bricks” Tubulin proteins are the cell’s “Lego bricks,”connecting with themselves into tubular structures that help give living cells shape and stiffness. But the protein may also play a role in...

Finding the Balance

Pitt Researchers Use Bridges to Optimize Doctor Visits for Kidney Patients The biggest causes of death in developed countries—heart disease, cancer, chronic organ failure—are complex conditions that may be best treated by long-term management rather than attempting to...