He Who Hesitates

He Who Hesitates … Anton 2 Simulations Identify Critical Pause in Flu-Virus Protein Motion; May Be a Target for Future Therapy Viruses such as influenza and HIV take a heavy toll, both in human life and in dollars. But these viruses are shape-shifters, changing...

Life Isn’t Chess—Times Six

Life Isn’t Chess—Times Six In a First, a CMU AI Program Running on Bridges Overcomes Multiple Human Poker Champions Artificial intelligence (AI) research took a great leap forward when a Carnegie Mellon University computer program overcame the world’s best...

Peace of Mind through AI

Peace of Mind through AI “Deep learning” Artificial Intelligence on PSC Supercomputers Promises Fewer False Alarms and Early Prediction of Breast Cancer Development Screening mammography is an important tool against breast cancer. But it has its limitations. A...

NSF Funds Bridges-2 Supercomputer at PSC

$10-Million System Will Expand National Capacity for Coupled HPC, AI and Data and Serve Nontraditional and Traditional high performance-Computing Communities July 9, 2019 A $10-million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) is funding a new supercomputer at...

CMU Conference Convened for AI and Data

July 1, 2019 In May, 150 researchers, librarians, scientists, computer scientists and industry professionals from 10 countries and dozens of organizations convened at Carnegie Mellon University for the 2019 Artificial Intelligence and Data Reuse (AIDR) Conference. The...

Spring 19 Highlights Intro

Welcome to the Spring 2019 issue of PSC Science Highlights! Over the last six months we have been busy upgrading PSC’s capabilities in Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI). Arguably our most significant event was delivery of the first instance of the NVIDIA DGX-2...