by Ken Chiacchia | Nov 14, 2022 | AI, Bridges-2, Press release
Thirteenth Year PSC Is Recognized by HPCwire Awards, Given to Leaders in the Global High Performance Computing Community Science performed with the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center’s (PSC’s) advanced research computers has been recognized with two HPCwire Editors’...
by Ken Chiacchia | Nov 1, 2022 | AI, Bridges-2, Science Highlights
The Coma Cluster contains more than 1,000 galaxies. Scientists have long been frustrated by large uncertainties in its mass. Predicted mass of huge Coma Cluster agrees with earlier, human-intensive attempts; offers fast, accurate measurement needed to understand early...
by Ken Chiacchia | Sep 23, 2022 | Bridges-2, Science Highlights
Resulting database will enable AI exploration of movement-sensitive electrical components Piezoelectric materials — materials whose electrical behaviors change as they experience strain — promise breakthroughs in wearable electronics that monitor our health and...
by Ken Chiacchia | May 11, 2022 | AI, Bridges-2, Science Highlights
AI Predicts Synthesizability of Crystals via Abstract Images Images derived from crystal structures help neural network running on Bridges-2 to predict ability to create a given crystal in the real world To create new electronic and other tools, materials...
by Ken Chiacchia | Feb 23, 2022 | Bridges-2, Science Highlights
Electrical Charge of Vaccine Particles May Lead toBlood-clot side effect Bridges-2 simulations suggest complication may stem from oppositely charged clot-forming protein sticking to engineered adenovirus Despite the lifesaving success of the COVID-19 vaccines,...
by Ken Chiacchia | Feb 8, 2022 | Bridges-2, Science Highlights
College Students learn molecular simulation on bridges-2 Educational allocation gives students taste of computational field, tools for science careers Advanced computing has transformed the sciences, particularly biology. But college students often get...