PSC Helps Power Human-AI Poker Match-Up

PSC Helps Power Human-AI Poker Match-Up Friday, April 24, 2015 First, Deep Blue came for Kasparov, besting the world’s top-ranked chess player in 1997. Then Watson beat Jeopardy!’s best and brightest in 2011. Now Claudico, a program developed at Carnegie Mellon...

Spring 2015: PSC News in Brief

DATA EXACELL MARKS FIRST YEAR WITH USER-DRIVEN ADVANCES User input and experience have helped PSC’s Data Exacell (DXC) complete a successful first year of operation. Thanks to the ongoing dialog with users, the DXC team has advanced the system’s software and gained a...

Spring 2015: All Flesh is Grass?

ALL Flesh is Grass? Blacklight Helps Researchers Untangle Genome of Wheat Progenitor Wheat, a species of grass, provides more protein for human consumption—more flesh—than any other plant. Globally, we harvest 725 million metric tons of...

Spring 2015: Putting Tools

Putting Tools in the Right Hands PSC Workshops Transform Public Health in East Africa   In a series of workshops sponsored by the Mozambique Ministry of Health, PSC’s Public Health Applications Group and their colleagues at the Johns Hopkins School...