Anton 2 Operational

Anton 2 Supercomputer Operational at PSC Anton 2, a specialized supercomputer developed by D. E. Shaw Research that simulates the motions of biomolecules, has replaced the original Anton 1 system previously at PSC. The new machine, operationally supported through a...


The National Science Foundation has approved the Phase 2 upgrade of the new Bridges supercomputer it funded at PSC. The enhanced system offers more speed, memory and data storage for investigators who have used supercomputers and those in fields that never before...


GUT CHECK While diabetes poses many life- and limb-threatening problems, it also causes serious changes and problems in the digestive tract. A study using PSC’s Bridges system sifted through the DNA of thousands of microbe species in healthy and diabetic intestines to...

PSC Symposium: Public Health

PSC Public Health Symposium April 21, 2017 – 1pm 300 S Craig St, Pittsburgh PA   April’s PSC Symposium Series focuses on Public Health Applications. The program will include an overview of the Public Applications team with research presentations to...

Hooked Up

HOOKED UP A common way for proteins to hold themselves together is with disulfide bridges. But scientists don’t completely understand why some proteins need them to “hook up” their structure. Researchers used the DESRES Anton system hosted at PSC to discover the...