by Ken Chiacchia | Mar 19, 2020 | Science Highlights
Picking Up the Beat Anton 2 Helps Identify Unexpected Pathway for Irregular-Heartbeat Drugs Irregular heartbeat—arrhythmia—causes a lot of sickness and death in the U.S. Some medications can treat arrhythmia, but they carry potentially serious side effects....
by Ken Chiacchia | Mar 18, 2020 | Science Highlights
Microscopic—and Huge Bridges Powers Visualization of Whole Viruses at Atomic Level An image can help human beings make connections. That’s why a scientist from Catholic University of America is using the large-memory nodes of PSC’s Bridges platform to put together...
by Ken Chiacchia | Mar 17, 2020 | AI, Bridges, Science Highlights
Woodblock of an early printing press of the type used to create the Aeropagitica. By Jost Amman -Meggs, Philip B. A History of Graphic Design. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998. (p 64), Public Domain, Freedom,...
by Ken Chiacchia | Mar 17, 2020 | AI, Bridges, Science Highlights
A Galactic Choice Artificial Intelligence Running on Bridges Surpasses Humans at Classifying Galaxies New telescope surveys are discovering hundreds of millions of new galaxies—far more than humans can classify. A National Center for Supercomputing Applications...
by Ken Chiacchia | Mar 17, 2020 | Science Highlights
Tsunami. Photo by George Despiris from Pexels. Big Waves Happen Here, Too Bridges Simulations Chart Out Worst-Case Tsunami Scenarios for U.S. East Coast Recent tsunamis have killed hundreds of thousands and done vast economic damage. But even areas not known for big...