PSC COVID-19 Update: April 27, 2020

Anton 2 Molecular Simulation Supercomputer at PSC Available for Urgent COVID-19 Research A specialized Anton 2 supercomputer, developed by D. E. Shaw Research and hosted at PSC, is now available for urgent research with the potential to impact the national COVID-19...

PSC COVID-19 Update: April 13, 2020

University of Virginia Simulating COVID-19 Interventions on Bridges Researchers at the Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia, are working closely with PSC to perform highly detailed epidemiological studies of COVID-19 in support of U.S. federal agencies’...

PSC COVID-19 Update: April 1, 2020

PSC Provides Researchers Access to China’s National Genomics Data Center COVID-19 Database Working with collaborators at Weill Cornell Medicine, PSC is currently hosting the COVID-19 database for the National Genomics Data Center of the Chinese People’s Republic. By...

Non Identical Twins

Nonidentical Twins Anton 2 Simulations Show Curious Difference in Action of Paired Neurotransmitters The NMDA receptor protein underlies memory formation. It’s also an important target of drugs for conditions as different as depression, Alzheimer’s disease and...

Picking up the Beat

  Picking Up the Beat Anton 2 Helps Identify Unexpected Pathway for Irregular-Heartbeat Drugs Irregular heartbeat—arrhythmia—causes a lot of sickness and death in the U.S. Some medications can treat arrhythmia, but they carry potentially serious side effects....