by Ken Chiacchia | Feb 7, 2023 | Neocortex, Press release
Running on Cerebras CS-2 within PSC’s Neocortex, NETL Simulates Natural Convection with Multi-Hundred Million Cell Resolutions, Pointing the Way to More Powerful, Energy Efficient and Insightful Scientific Computing Cerebras Systems, the pioneer in high performance...
by Ken Chiacchia | Feb 2, 2023 | AI, Bridges-2, Press release
Tuomas Sandholm inspects PSC’s Bridges-2 supercomputer AAAI award cites Tuomas Sandholm’s work on improving organ donation exchanges with AI Tuomas Sandholm’s work since 2010 to improve the fairness and effectiveness of organ donations using PSC supercomputers...
by Ken Chiacchia | Feb 1, 2023 | AI, Bridges-2, Science Highlights
Bridges-2-powered AI matches life-critical performance of other AI and non-AI alternatives — unlike them, its “thinking” is understandable to humans Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed our lives, giving us a tool for vastly better-informed decision making....
by Ken Chiacchia | Jan 18, 2023 | Anton 2, Bridges-2, Science Highlights
Different numbers of kinks in the iGlu-R protein from glutamate binding to the outside of channel cause its central pore (seen from the top looking down) to open progressively, allowing different levels of ion current to pass through. From Yelshanskaya, M.V., Patel,...
by Ken Chiacchia | Jan 5, 2023 | AI, Bridges-2, Science Highlights
Time series (left to right) showing two examples of how the random carbons in the artificial “coal” coalesce into graphite-like sheets under pressure and heat. The sheets aren’t perfectly flat because of the formation of a small number of five- and seven-member rings...