Andrew is PSC’s Principal Information Security Officer and Security Manager for the Bridges-2 supercomputer and the AI system Neocortex. He is also the Chief Information Security Officer for Trusted CI — The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, where he additionally acts as liaison between the Content Development Team and Framework Advisory Board which oversees development of the Trusted CI Framework — a framework for building cybersecurity programs.
Andrew further participates in Trusted CI’s situational awareness group, Cyberinfrastructure Vulnerabilities, is an active member in ACCESS’ threat intelligence community, and continuously monitors various sources, e.g., REN-ISAC, to ensure PSC is aware of current cybersecurity threats.
He holds M.S. degrees in both computer science and information science (U. Pittsburgh), and has 20+ years of experience in computer networking research as a previous member of PSC’s Networking Group, including operational responsibilities in the 3ROX GigaPoP. As a member of PSC’s Security Group, Andrew designed and developed multiple security oriented systems, performed risk assessments and developed security policies. At present, his focus is on methods to secure HPC leveraging Zero Trust Architecture principles.
As a current member of Trusted CI, his skills in security policy and operations have been utilized in several Trusted CI engagements, including:
- Michigan State University (MSU): Led engagement to identify root causes of ransomware attack and potential solutions
- Trusted CI: As CISO, led adoption of Trusted CI’s own Framework to build a more robust cybersecurity program
- Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI): Worked on Trusted CI Framework adoption
- Partnership to Advance Throughput and Computing (PATh): Worked on Trusted CI Framework adoption
- Scalable Cyberinfrastructure for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (SCiMMA): Worked on risk assessment in order to help project decide future budget for cybersecurity
- SLATE: Worked on review of their architecture
- USARF: Worked on review of their fleet
- REED+: Led review of vision to facilitate CUI data protection covering Purdue University’s cyberinfrastructure
- PGC: Worked on developing a security program for them
- SAGE2: Worked on exploring identify and access management solutions for them
- Ike Wai gateway: Led review of EPSCoR‘s cyberinfrastructure through SGCI‘s Incubator consultations
- Cloud Security Best Practices: Led collaboration in producing “Security Best Practices for Academic Cloud Service Providers“
- TransPAC: Led engagement to review their security program
- DesignSafe-CI: Led cybersecurity checkup of their cyberinfrastructure
- DataONE: Worked on a review of their cyberinfrastructure
- OSCRP: Collaborated to develop a risk profile for open science “OSCRP”
- USAP: Worked on in-depth review of their cyberinfrastructure
- HubZERO: Worked on developing a Master Information Security Policy and Procedures document and a Software Assurance and Testing Policy
- IBEIS/Wildbook: Worked in exploring alternative identity management options
Recent Publications
- Andrew Adams, Kay Avila, Jim Basney, Dana Brunson, Robert Cowles, Jeannette Dopheide, Terry Fleury, Elisa Heymann, Florence Hudson, Craig Jackson, Ryan Kiser, Mark Krenz, Jim Marsteller, Barton P. Miller, Sean Piesert, Scott Russell, Susan Sons, Von Welch, and John Zage. 2019. Trusted CI Experiences in Cybersecurity and Service to Open Science. In PEARC’19: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 28-August 1, 2019, Chicago, IL, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/333218
6.3340601 - Rion Dooley, Andy Edmonds, David Y. Hancock, Richard Knepper, John Michael Lowe, Edwin Skidmore, Andrew K. Adams, Ryan Kiser, Mark Krenz, Von Welch, Security Best Practices for Academic Cloud Service Providers, May, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2022/2
- Peisert, Sean, Von Welch, Andrew Adams, RuthAnne Bevier, Michael Dopheide, Rich LeDuc, Pascal Meunier, Steve Schwab, and Karen Stocks, Open Science Cyber Risk Profile (OSCRP), Version 1.2. March 2017.
- V. Hazlewood, K. Benninger, G. Peterson, J. Charcalla, B. Sparks, J. Hanley, A. Adams, B. Learn, R. Budden, D. Simmel, J. Lappa, J. Yanovich, Developing Applications with Networking Capabilities via End-to-End SDN (DANCES), XSEDE16, Miami, FL, July 17-21, 2016.
- Andrew K. Adams and Adam J. Lee, “Combining Social Authentication and Untrusted Clouds for Private Location Sharing”, in Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT), June 2013.
- A. Adams, A. J. Lee, and D. Mosse, “Receipt-Mode Trust Negotiation: Efficient Authorization Through Outsourced Interactions”, in Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Information, Computer, and Communication Security (ASIACCS 2011), March 2011.
- V. Paxson, A. Adams, “Experiences with NIMI,”, Symposium on Applications and the Internet 2002, Proceedings, February 2002.
- A. Adams, M. Mathis, “A System for Flexible Network Performance Measurement”, INET 2000, Proceedings, July 2000.
- A. Adams, T. Bu, R. Caceres, N. Duffield, T. Friedman, J. Horowitz, F. Lo Presti, S. B. Moon, V. Paxson, and D. Towsley, “The Use of End-to-end Multicast Measurements for Characterizing Internet Network Behavior,”, IEEE Communications, Vol.38, No.5, May 2000.
- V. Paxson, A. Adams, M. Mathis, “Experiences with NIMI”, Passive and Active Measurement Workshop 2000, Proceedings, April 2000.