2023: Year in Review

2023: Year in Review

2023 was another banner year for PSC, bringing awards, progress in important research areas, and a new director to PSC! We’d like to highlight just some of the newsworthy accomplishments that the year brought.

See you at SC23

See you at SC23

PSC is heading to the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis  — otherwise known simply as Supercomputing, or SC — in Denver the week of November 12th.

PSC 2023 Summer Interns

PSC 2023 Summer Interns

PSC has a longstanding tradition of providing internship opportunities to undergraduate researchers in fields related to advanced computing. This year we had seven students on board learning valuable research and technical skills for their upcoming classes and future careers.

Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is proud to highlight the work and life of our newest women team members for Women’s History Month

2022: Year in Review

2022: Year in Review

2022 was another stellar year at PSC! We won awards, worked with interns, welcomed new faces, and widened scientific knowledge. Here’s a look back at what 2022 brought to PSC.

Meet PSC’s Summer Interns

Meet PSC’s Summer Interns

We didn’t have to search hard to find qualified students for PSC’s Summer Internship Program. Over 100 students applied for the five available positions. Let’s meet them and find out what projects they’re working on this summer.